Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
A Word About the Exercise of our Mission
The following text is taken from our XV General Chapter:
Rethinking the exercise of our mission means that the entire Congregation, each Province and community, must continue the discernment made by this Chapter and apply it to their specific situations in carrying out what the Spirit asks of us to exercise our mission, rooted in our charismatic identity, with greater transparency and significance. We are not changing our specific mission or starting anew, rather, we must rethink the spaces, structures and pastoral methods, with creativity and freedom, taking our personal reality with serenity and intelligence (cf. CD 203.4)
(XV General Chapter #48)
Mystics and Prophets
We live in a world marked by paradoxes that oppose tendencies to secularization, welfare and personal accomplishment as individuals to strong dynamics of exclusion and social injustice. The question about God is present as a thirst for spirituality, yet many are left wondering: where is God? (cf. Ps 42). We feel we are included in these paradoxes. (#16)
Revitalize both our consecration from a genuine experience of God and the reflection of evangelical radicalism becomes the urgent call He is now making to us. It is impossible to place oneself prophetically in this secular world without a deep and untarnished mysticism. (#18)
May we be contemplative above all in order to become mystics and prophets in the world.
We believe that the following words taken from our XV General Chapter really speak to us as a Province in the United States. Here we share with you the following:
On the eve of the centennial of the Congregation, we let the words of Fr. Felix resonate strongly: "Mexico should be the cradle [of the Congregation] for its great devotion to the Holy Spirit, but the Work is worldwide [...]" Let us conquer the world. " It is our mission: this is what Jesus, who has founded us in honor of His father [...] requires of us "(CCP 258-259).
Our religious life and our charisma contain a strong missionary dynamism, which calls us to reach out to new cultures to foster the development of a Priestly People.
Our presence in other countries is called to be a unique opportunity to live a creative and inculturated relevant religious life.
(XV General Chapter # 66-67, 70)
Pray that we may be a relevant testimony of religious life in the United States.
Monday, April 19, 2010
1. Adoptar, conocer y practicar un método de discernimiento común y hacerlo un instrumento de vida en la comunidad y en la provincia.
2. Enriquecer nuestra experiencia de Dios a través de la oración personal y comunitaria propia de la Espiritualidad de la Cruz, la retroalimentación comunitaria y la solidaridad con los que sufren.
3. Promover la profundización, vivencia, y actualización de nuestra identidad carismática a través del retorno sapiencial al Evangelio, la lectura asidua de Nuestras Fuentes y la acogida crítica de los desafíos que la realidad nos plantea.
4. Redescubrir la radicalidad y lo profético de ser Misioneros del Espíritu Santo en Estados Unidos haciendo opciones claras y coherentes a nivel personal, comunitario y provincial.
1. Cultivar la madurez humana, conociendo y aceptando con humildad la propia historia personal, con sus dinámicas de vida y muerte, enfatizando especialmente, el aspecto psico-afectivo. Pide también que nos abramos a los demás con sinceridad y libertad, en un diálogo maduro y fraterno como condición necesaria para erradicar el individualismo y fortalecer así entre nosotros el espíritu de cuerpo.
2. Seguir propiciando entre nosotros relaciones adultas donde haya escucha auténtica entre personas que se saben frágiles, caminantes y necesitadas del otro, para construir comunidades sanas en las que el encuentro es fraterno y asertivo y se vive el espíritu de familia querido por Nuestro Padre.
3. Buscar una conversión integral que favorezca el crecimiento humano desde una óptica de fe, reconoce la misión a la que Dios nos ha llamado, hace de la comunidad el centro afectivo y nos lleva a una vida significativamente profética.
4. Crecer en nuestra identidad personal como Misioneros del Espíritu Santo y a desarrollar armónicamente nuestra persona en torno a nuestros valores y convicciones y fortaleciendo el sentido de pertenencia.
1. Reestructurar nuestros campos de misión en fidelidad a nuestra identidad carismática y con un discernimiento sistemático e inculturado.
2. Prepararnos profesionalmente para el ejercicio de nuestra misión, con una visión clara y con planes comunes, concretos y evaluables.
3. Optimizar el servicio a los distintos destinatarios de nuestra misión, y colaborar eficazmente con ellos, partiendo de la categoría Pueblo Sacerdotal.
4. Establecer acciones y favorecer actitudes de solidaridad con quienes sufren.
Retos del Mundo y la Iglesia
Friday, April 16, 2010
Day 5
This morning we gathered to review the work of each commission including the areas of consecration, communion and mission. The dialogues have been truly enriching. We have discussed the reality of the Church and the World and how it affects us directly and indirectly. For example, we considered one of the most relevant social ills: individualism. We also talked about consumerism, hedonism, and narcissism. We are challenged to become true disciples of Christ in our society. We are aware that God has gifted our religious congregation with a rich spirituality we want to share with others. We ask you to continue praying for us as we try to find new ways to respond to the needs of the people we serve. We want to be relevant mystics and prophets as Jesus Christ Priest and Victim in the United States and wherever we go.