Fr. Miguel Mier MSpS belongs to the Province of Mexico. He was elected as liaison of our Province and the General Council.
Moment of Reflection
Reflecting about the reality of our Province. Fr. Joel Quezada, Fr. Jorge Gomez del Valle, and Fr. Manuel Vazquez.
Worshing God in Prayerful Attitude
At the end of Mass, thanking God with the words of the Magnificat
Most Holy Trinity inspire us to do your holy will. Grant us the grace to be faithful to our charism.
Ven. Felix de Jesus pray for your sons. Ask Jesus to obtain for us the graces we need the most to do the will of the Father with humility and joyful obedience.
Mother pray for us. Ask Jesus to send His Holy Spirit upon us. That we may be faithful to his inspirations.
Openning Mass/ Misa de Apertura
Presider: Bishop Gustavo Garcia Siller MSpS Auxilary Bishop of Chicago, IL
Prayer and Dinner
We prayed before the Blessed Sacrament and mediated upon the unconditional love of God.
Eucharistic Celebration
Fr. Eugenio Cardenas plays the guitar.
Welcome to your Province Fr. Domenico Di Raimondo
After serving six years as our Superior General, Fr. Domenico returns to his province in the United States. We welcome you with gratitude to God for your service to the Congregation.
Fr. Pablo Sanchez MSpS
Fr. Pablo Sanchez MSpS currently ministers to the people of Hillsboro, Oregon in St. Matthew's Parish. He presided Mass for us on Saturday April 17th, 2010
Muchas felicidades por su nuevo Consejo Provincial! Que el Espiritu Santo los ilumine en su nueva etapa, seguiremos unidos en oracion. P. Domenico bienvenido a casa!!
I am grateful to God for the new Provincial Council. Congratulations! Que el Espiritu de Dios los impulse a seguir construyendo el Reino. Felicidades! Su hermana, Carmen Martinez
Felicidades al nuevo Consejo, que el Espiritu Santo los ilumine en esta nueva etapa y que en su caminar vayan siempre de la mano de Maria Santisima. Que Dios los bendiga.
Congratulations, I know that God will continue to guide us to renew our religious life through you.
Felicidades a la Provincia por su nuevo Consejo, nos unimos en esta cadena de oracion. En hora buena!
Saludos, fraternales,
Oscar Castellanos
Felicidades, por el nuevo Consejo, Que Dios los ilumine para dirijir esta provincia.
Muchas felicidades por su nuevo Consejo Provincial!
Que el Espiritu Santo los ilumine en su nueva etapa, seguiremos unidos en oracion.
P. Domenico bienvenido a casa!!
Con cariƱo,
Luz Maria & Fernando Gonzalez
I am grateful to God for the new Provincial Council. Congratulations! Que el Espiritu de Dios los impulse a seguir construyendo el Reino. Felicidades! Su hermana, Carmen Martinez
Congratulations to the New Provincial Council!
Felicidades al nuevo Consejo, que el Espiritu Santo los ilumine en esta nueva etapa y que en su caminar vayan siempre de la mano de Maria Santisima.
Que Dios los bendiga.
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